After a 6 year break, the Ford Gallery dusts off The Love Show!
A show about love! Not just the sappy Hallmark kind of love, but love in all its many forms: The good, the bad and yes, even the ugly!
Join us on February 3rd 2018 from 6 pm to 11 pm for our opening reception, featuring live music & performances, bar & pot-luck, and clothing drive for Transition Projects (See most needed items here: http://www.tprojects.org/).
The Portland Love show seeks to shine some light on the complicated disco ball that is love, dark facets and all. With the Hallmark/florist/jewelry/
We invited over 200 artists to make ONE ARTWORK each that looks a little deeper into the mysteries of Love, beautiful and terrible, and explore and expose a little bit more of what love means to them.
Show runs February 3rd-March 12th, 2018
Go to portlandloveshow.com for more details!
Follow us at @portlandloveshow on Instagram for pics!
Interested in being one of our fabulous Love Show Volunteers? It takes a LOT of hands to make this show happen, and we’d Love to have you on our team!
Thank you so much to our Sponsors:
Ford Food & Drink
Phoenix Media
Grixsen Brewing Company
Gigantic Brewing Company
And special thanks also to our hosts The Ford Building & Intrinsic Venture!